0161 4390908
HSF Timber

We supply and install all types of timber products, including garden fencing, decking, gates, structures and landscaping.

Here at Wallbank Fencing Ltd we offer a full range of timber fencing. All our timber is sourced from sustainable sources under the forestry stewardship certification scheme. This ensures that timber comes from sustainable and managed forests. All timber elements we supply and install are pressure treated with osmose nature wood by protim solignum - this treatment offers an extended life for fencing timber in contact with the ground typically up to 15 years.
Typical timber fences are;
Timber Feather edge board
Timber palisade
Timber hit and miss
Timber post and rail
Timber picket fence
Venetian fences
Timer post & panel
Timber knee rail
Timber bin stores
Bespoke requirements can be catered for and our team are available to offer advice if required.